When I recently organized my many construction images, I realized that I had a rather large collection of pictures of various construction mockups. Those structures typically only serve a temporary purpose during construction and are then removed once a project is complete.
It always seemed to me (as an educator) to be quite a waste to lose those mockups and thus their ability to educate about building materials and systems. I have in the past tried to save some (or build new ones) and have toyed with the idea of a mockup storage. Obviously a physical “museum” of mockups would take up considerable space, which led me to the realization that at the very least I should try to preserve them in digital image form.
This site will thus serve as such a “museum” for construction mockups and I will continue to add new ones as I come across them. I also invite others with images to submit them to me so that I can expand this collection further.
In any case, I hope you enjoy the collection and find it useful. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think of it.
Alex Schreyer